Lectures & Labs

The course sessions include both lectures and combined lectures/labs. The slides and lab handouts used in class are presented in the table below.

There are additional materials and grading information below the table.


Introduction to the class

From the physical model to the ordinary differential equation (ODE)

Lecture 1 Slides (PDF - 2.3MB)
2 1st and 2nd order system behavior (from the ODE) Lecture 2 Slides (PDF - 1.1MB)
3 Translation and rotational mechanical system (in the flywheel)

Lecture 3 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF - 1.4MB)

Description of the Experimental Rotational Plant (PDF)

4 Laplace transform, solving ODEs Lecture 4 Slides (PDF)

Transfer functions, poles, zeros

Observation of behavior based on transfer functions in the flywheel

Lecture 5 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF - 1.0MB)

Electrical elements R, L, C, op-amp

The DC motor and its dynamics

This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.Lecture 6 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF - 1.6MB)
7 1st and 2nd order system characteristics: theory Lecture 7 Slides (PDF - 1.6MB)
8 1st and 2nd order systems: observation on the flywheel Lecture 8 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF)

Feedback TF, MATLAB© LTI, and SISO tools

Root locus (concept and observation)

Lecture 9 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF - 2.0MB)

10 Drawing root locus (part I: theory)

Lecture 10 Slides (PDF - 1.9MB)

Supplement to Lecture 10 (PDF)


Drawing root locus (part II: MATLAB and flywheel)

Introduction to the class project, team arrangements

Lecture 11 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF - 1.8MB)

Description of the Class Project (PDF - 1.2MB)

12 P control-flywheel modeling Lecture 12 Slides (PDF - 1.1MB)
13 P control on the flywheel-effect of gain Lecture 13 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF - 2.5MB)
14 PI control on the flywheel-steady state error Lecture 14 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF)
15 Practice on root locus and P-control No Slides (blackboard only)
16 & 17 PID control: speeding up and stabilization Lecture 16 & 17 (+ Lab) Slides (PDF - 1.7MB)
18 & 19 Control of an Inverted pendulum

No Slides

Supplement to Lectures 18 & 19 (+ Lab) (PDF)

Additional Materials

Tower SISO PID Controller: MATLAB Template (M)

 Laboratory Participation Grading

For each lab session, you receive a maximum of 3 points*:

  • 3 points for being exceeding well prepared and active
  • 2 points for being prepared on the lab material
  • 1 point if just showed up and remained passively attending throughout
  • 0 points if you don't show up

*Except the first week's lab, where you receive a grade of 3 just for showing up; and the last lab, where you are graded for the project demo on a 0-5 scale.

Project Grading

The project will be done in teams; members of the same team will receive the same project grades up to a maximum of 5 points, based on the project demo performance:

  • 5 points for superior grasp of the concepts and superior performance of the project outcome
  • 4 points for superior grasp of the concepts and adequate success in the project goals
  • 3 points for adequate grasp of the concepts and adequate success in the project goals
  • 2 points for adequate grasp of the concepts but with minimal success in meeting the project goals
  • 1 point for minimal grasp of the concepts governing the project challenge
  • 0 points for not showing up at the demo