Lab 3 Updates

Fix the uMS Build

Getting uMS and FLTK to build

uMS is part of the MOOS software tree. There have been some problems in getting this to compile with the script.

Mac and Linux users both should do an "svn update" in the moos-ivp tree.

  • On Mac OS X, building uMS in the MOOS tree will require installing the FLTK package (sudo port install fltk-dev).

    It will also require augmenting your path:

bash users (add this to your .bashrc file): PATH=$PATH:~/moos-ivp/MOOS/MOOSBin/ tcsh users: (add this to your .cshrc file) set path = ( $path ~/moos-ivp/MOOS/MOOSBin/ )
  • In Linux:

    sudo apt-get install libfltk1.1-dev

    remove moos-ivp/MOOS/cmake_modules/FindFLTK.cmake

    (or svn update - the above file has been removed from the tree).