
The following outlines due dates and descriptions for the assignments.

Weeks 2, 4, and 6: Response Papers

Students will write a short memorandum (i.e., no more than three typed pages) commenting on the assigned readings for the week. Each of these response papers is worth a maximum of 10 points toward the final grade.

Weeks 5 & 6: Simulation Activity: The Chlorine Game

Students will play The Chlorine Game in assigned groups of 12 outside of class. Each student will be required to post a two page essay analyzing what happened in their play of the game and respond to an assigned set of questions. This essay is worth a maximum of 15 points.

Weeks 7 & 8: Evaluation of the Copenhagen Negotiations

Each student will deliver a short presentation evaluating the Copenhagen Climate Change Treaty Negotiations. Students will be allotted 10 minutes each and asked to hand out a one-page summary of their analysis. This short statement must be handed in and posted at the time of the presentation and is worth a maximum of 10 points.

Week 9: Final Paper Outlines

The final paper outlines must be submitted electronically before class. Students are expected to write a final paper (no longer than 20 double-spaced pages) responding to the issue around which the class is organized. Outlines are worth a maximum of 10 points. Outlines should focus on an original, compelling, theoretically grounded idea.

Week 11 - Week 14: Summary Presentation of the Final Paper

Students will deliver a short summary of their prescriptive suggestions during one of the classes between Week #11 and Week #14. Each student will be allotted 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. A maximum of 15 points will be awarded for a logical and well-argued presentation. A short handout or powerpoint presentation is expected. Please leave room on the printed handout for colleagues to raise questions or offer suggestions. Students will collect comments on their handouts at the end of their presentations.

Week 14: Final Paper

The final assignment for the class is the final version of the term paper. A maximum of 35 points will be awarded for an inventive, well argued, well - researched paper that not only offers a compelling prescription, but grounds that suggestion in the relevant theoretical literature from international relations, international law, multiparty negotiation theory, science and public policy, and environmental science. The best papers will be published in Papers on International Environmental Negotiation.