It is recommended that students buy the Wilson and Lipsky paperbacks from which readings are assigned:
Wilson, James Q. Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It. New York, NY: Basic Books, 1989. ISBN: 0465007856.
Lipsky, Michael. Street Level Bureaucracy: Dilemmas of the Individual in Public Services. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 1980. ISBN: 0871545268.
Along with the calendar of assigned readings is an alphabetical listing of very useful optional readings categorized as: (I) Evaluation and Research Methodology, (II) Interviewing, (III) Bureaucracies and Other Organizations, and (IV) Examples of Theses and Other Papers. (PDF)
1 | Introduction, Student Research Interests, and Cross-cutting Methodological Issues |
Przeworski, Adam, and Frank Salamon. "On the Art of Writing Proposals, Some Candid Suggestions for Applicants to Science Research Council Competitions." 1988. Munck, Gerardo L., and Richard Snyder. "The Human Dimension of Comparative Research." Chapter 2 in Passion, Craft and Method in Comparative Politics . Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. (Forthcoming.) |
2A | Turning Assumptions into Research Questions |
McKinley, James. "Where Poverty Drove Zapatistas, The Living Is No Easier." New York Times, September 11, 2005. Dao, James. "No Fixed Address." New York Times, September 11, 2005. |
2B |
Turning Assumptions into Research Questions: Case Examples Guest: Session with Prof. Merilee Grindle, Professor of International Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University |
Pollitt, Christopher. "Justification by Works or by Faith? Evaluating the New Public Management." Evaluation 1, no. 2 (1995): 133-154. Grindle, Merilee. Going Local: Decentralization, Democratization, and the Promise of Good Governance. 2006, chapter 1 and 8 (Book Manuscript). (Forthcoming.) |
3 | Folding "Politics" and "Clientelism" into Planning Research: Comparative Cases |
Finder, Alan. "As Test Scores Jump, Raleigh Credits Integration by Income." New York Times, September 25, 2005. Highly Recommended Ellwood, John. "In Praise of Pork." Public Interest no. 110 (1993). |
4A | Bureaucracies and Other Organizations: Street-level Bureaucrats, Front-line Workers |
Joshi, Anuradha. "A Third Narrative: Frontline Workers and the WBSFSA." In Roots of Change: Front Line Workers and Forest Policy Reform in West Bengal. Ph.D. Dissertation. Cambridge, MA: Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000, pp. 1-2, and 177-242. |
4B |
Bureaucracies and Other Organizations: Mixing the Politics and the Management of Cities Guest: |
Thompson, J. Phillip. Double Trouble: Black Mayors, Black Communities and the Call for a Deep Democracy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2006. (Forthcoming.)
4C |
Bureaucracies and Other Organizations: Variables Driving Organizational Behavior - From Within and Without Guest: Session with Prof. Michael Piore, Economics / Political Science, MIT |
Piore, Michael. "Qualitative Research: Does It Fit In Economics?" In Social Science Field Work. Edited by Sara Curren and Ellen Perecman. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. (Forthcoming.)
Recommended Piore, Michael. "Qualitative Research Techniques in Economics." Administrative Science Quarterly 24 (December 1979): 560-569.
5 | Past First-year-paper Examples: Sessions with Authors |
Goelman, Ari. "Technology in Context: Mediating Factors in the Utilization of Planning Technologies." Environment and Planning Association 37, no. 5 (2005): 895-907. Coslovsky, Salo. "How Bolivia's Brazil-nut Industry Became Competitive in World Markets while Brazil's Fell Behind: Lessons from a Matched Comparison." First Year Paper, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT. 2005. Fisman, Lianne. "The Effects of Local Learning on Environmental Awareness in Children: An Empirical Investigation." The Journal of Environmental Education 36, no. 3 (2005): 39-50. Allen, Ryan. "Sometimes a 'Broken Window' Is Just a Broken Window." First Year Paper, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT. 2004. (See also the reviews written by three anonymous referees for Social Problems.) |
6 |
Country and Subnational Comparisons: Lessons for Research Guests: Sessions with Prof. Richard Locke, Political Science, MIT, and Professor Richard Snyder, Political Science, Brown University |
Locke, Richard, and Thelen Kathleen. "Apples and Oranges Revisited: Contextualized Comparisons and The Study of Comparative Labor Politics." Politics & Society 23, no. 3 (1995): 337-367. Snyder, Richard. "Scaling Down: The Subnational Comparative Method." Studies in Comparative International Development 36, no. 1 (2001): 93-110. |
7 |
Uncertainty, Bounded Rationality, and "Satisficing" Session on MIT authorization for research involving interviewing, with the Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects. |
8 | Interpreting Duplication, Overlap, and Lack of Inter-agency Coordination |
Broder, John M. "Plan Seeks a Sweeping Overhaul of California's Agencies." New York Times , August 3, 2004. Landau, Martin. "Redundancy, Rationality, and the Problem of Duplication and Overlap." Public Administration Review 29 (1969): 346-358. Weiss, Janet A. "Pathways to Cooperation Among Public Agencies." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 7 (1987): 94-117. Lipton, Eric. "Breakdowns Marked Path From Hurricane To Anarchy." New York Times, September 11, 2005.
9 | Interviewing: First and Follow-up Questions, etc. | |
10 | Discussions of Draft First-year Paper Proposals | |
11 | Last Class |