Instructor Insights pages are part of the OCW Educator initiative, which seeks to enhance the value of OCW for educators.
Course Overview
This page focuses on the course 15.ES718 Global Health Innovation: Delivering Targeted Advice to an Organization in the Field as it was taught by Dr. Anjali Sastry during Spring 2015.
During this three-day intensive workshop, graduate students get a broad introduction to global health issues, and focus on the challenges in health care delivery posed by a particular non-governmental organization in India.
Course Outcomes
Course Goals for Students
- Learn about topics in the global mental health field
- Deliver something of value to a partner organization
- Iterate over three days with feedback from faculty, experts, and partner organization
- Develop networking skills and explore our campus
- Become wise consumers of information
Possibilities for Further Study/Careers
Students in the course have often already determined a career path, but many retain interest in the field of global health after taking the course.
… from a global perspective the number of people who don't have access to mental health care who need it is huge … I think it's motivating for students to realize that what we are looking at are current, existing, pressing challenges.
—Dr. Anjali Sastry
In the following pages, Dr. Sastry describes various aspects of planning, teaching, and running 15.ES718 Global Health Innovation.
- Goals for Student Learning
- Teaching in Real-world Contexts
- Workshop Logistics and Challenges
- Providing Students with Feedback
- Course Iteration
Curriculum Information
No previous coursework required. Open to current MIT students only.
Requirements Satisfied
This course fulfills the Sloan Innovation Period (SIP) elective requirement.
This course is offered every Spring semester; topics vary.
Student Information

Breakdown by Year
First-year graduate students
Breakdown by Major
Typical Student Background
This is a graduate level MBA class, so each student had already completed Sloan's first semester of core courses.
How Student Time Was Spent
This workshop consisted of three intensive, back-to-back days of research and collaboration. See the Activities section for details about how each day was spent.
Lead Instructor (Dr. Anjali Sastry)
As the course instructor, Dr. Sastry performed the classroom teaching and the grading for the course. She led the planning and running of the course. The course instructor mentors the student teams. She also takes care of of recruiting, working with, and following up with the panel of experts and the host organization..
Expert Panel
A team of experts was available to talk with students during designated timeslots. Experts included those from academia, as well as startup founders and CEOs at Dimagi, mPower,, Centre for Affordable Healthcare Technology at Oxford University, MGH Center for Global Health’s CamTECH Consortium, Partners in Health, MIT Media Lab, the Global Health Delivery Project at Harvard, eHealth Systems and more. Students were required to read bios of the experts and sign up for meeting times with them, as well as with the instructor.
Teaching Assistant
There was no official TA for the workshop, but the instructur had some assistance with logistics from a student doing in an independent study.