Information Technology Essentials

A diagram of table joins in Microsoft Access.

SQL joins as seen in Microsoft® Access. (Image by MIT OpenCourseWare.)


MIT Course Number


As Taught In

Spring 2005



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Course Description

Course Features

Course Description

This class offers a broad coverage of technology concepts and trends underlying current and future developments in information technology, and fundamental principles for the effective use of computer-based information systems. There will be a special emphasis on networks and distributed computing, including the World Wide Web. Other topics include: hardware and operating systems, software development tools and processes, relational databases, security and cryptography, enterprise applications, and electronic commerce. Hands-on exposure to Web, database, and graphical user interface (GUI) tools.

This course is intended for students with little or no background in computer technology. Students with extensive education or work experience in computer technology should consider taking a more advanced course.

Related Content

Thomas Malone. 15.561 Information Technology Essentials. Spring 2005. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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