
Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 lectures / week, 1 hour / lecture

Recitations: 2 recitations / week, 1 hour / recitation

Course Description

"MIT is…(fill in the blank)…"

How many times have you attempted to describe MIT? How do you fill in the blank? What do you wish you knew about the Institute? The short description for this course suggests a simple (albeit fascinating) effort to survey MIT's history from its founding to the present day. MIT is not a simple place. To study MIT is to study the modern world. This course is about discovery, exploration, adventure, learning, creative thinking, and the synthesis of big ideas. It is about the importance of the research university: What it has been in the past and what it will be in the future.

When writing down his vision for MIT, charismatic founder and education pioneer William Barton Rogers wrote this in his 1860 "Objects and Plan":

"The practical nature of the discoveries in chemistry, mechanics, geology, and other branches of scientific inquiry, has multiplied almost infinitely the lines of connection between them and the processes of the Workshop, the Manufactory, and the Farm, and of the Constructive and Locomotive Arts; and these countless connecting threads, woven into one indissoluble texture, form that ever-enlarging web which is the blended product of the world's scientific and industrial activity." (emphasis added)

Through readings, videos, discussions, lectures, special guest talks and hands-on opportunities, you will explore MIT like few others have. You will take up Rogers' challenge to weave together countless connecting threads.

This class has been steadily evolving since first taught in 2010. This year (2016), MIT will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the move from Boston to Cambridge (Did you know that MIT was in Boston for its first half-century?!). There are a number of special events from exhibition openings and symposia, to some incredibly fun parties. You'll have a front row seat for many of these activities, and the opportunity to contribute behind the scenes. You'll have the opportunity to study original architectural plans, 3-D print sections of campus for a special map display, meet Cambridge residents who grew up in this neighborhood, listen to some of the world's best architectural historians and make a ceremonial crossing of the Charles.

The class will officially be scheduled to meet twice a week, plus a recitation, but will be adjusted to accommodate some of the special events. A key feature of this class is special presentations by guest speakers. The mix varies from year to year but you can expect to meet outstanding professionals sharing stories about different aspects of MIT history. We will use the recitation sections for discussion and on-campus "field trips."

Assignments will be a bit different from previous years. Reading reflection papers are still a key part of this course. These are short (1-2 page) essays that help you think about the readings, videos and lectures. You will complete two additional reports—a document report and an artifact / plan report—that will be based on your close study of original materials.

The final assignment for the class will be a "then and now" comparison of some aspect of MIT history of the past 100 years. That could be anything that interests you, from academics to athletics. This could be a written assignment, an in-class presentation, a video, a special display at the Open House event, something you make…it will be up to you.

The most important prerequisite for this class is curiosity, a desire to think deeply about MIT, and a willingness to communicate your thoughts and ideas with your classmates. The ultimate aim is to fascinate you as much as to help you improve your skills synthesizing information from diverse sources about science, technology, and culture.

Field Trips

There will be some "field trips" to other places on campus, such as the Institute Archives and the MIT Museum that are scheduled during class periods. In addition, I will call attention to various Centennial Celebration events and arrange an occasional "field trip" or outing that I think will enhance your appreciation of MIT's history. These extracurricular trips are completely voluntary and will have absolutely no bearing on your grade.


Reflection papers 40%
Document report 12.5%
Artifact / Plan report 12.5%
Final project 25%
Class participation 10%