1 | Introduction | No readings assigned |
2 | What is Military Doctrine? |
Posen, Barry R. “The Importance of Military Doctrine.” Chapter 1 in The Sources of Military Doctrine: France, Britain, and Germany Between the World Wars. Cornell University Press, 1986. ISBN: 9780801494277. Rosen, Stephen Peter. “Thinking about Military Innovation.” Chapter 1 in Winning the Next War: Innovation and the Modern Military. Cornell University Press, 1994, pp. 1–22. ISBN: 9780801481963. [Preview with Google Books] Cote, Jr., Owen R. “The Politics of Innovative Military Doctrine: The U.S. Navy and Fleet Ballistic Missiles.” (PDF - 26.6MB) Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1996, pp. 6–40. Greenwood, Ted. “Overview.” Chapter 1 in Making the MIRV: A Study of Defense Decision Making. University Press of American, 1988. ISBN: 9780819170774. ———. “Innovation.” Chapter 2 in Making the MIRV: A Study of Defense Decision Making. University Press of American, 1988, pp. 27–50. ISBN: 9780819170774.
3 | Armored Warfare |
Biddle, Stephen. “The Modern System.” Chapter 3 in Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle. Princeton University Press, 2006. ISBN: 9780691128023. [Preview with Google Books] ———. “The Modern System, Preponderance, and Changing Technology.” Chapter 4 in Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle. Princeton University Press, 2006. ISBN: 9780691128023. House, Jonathan M. “Total War, 1939–1945.” Part II in Combined Arms Warfare in the Twentieth Century. University Press of Kansas, 2001. ISBN: 9780700610983. Luttwak, Edward N. “The Operational Level of War.” Chapter 11 in Strategy and History: Collected Essays, Volume Two. Routledge, 1985. ISBN: 9780887380655. Van Creveld, Martin. Military Lessons of the Yom Kippur War: Historical Perspectives (The Washington Papers). SAGE Publications, Ltd., 1975. ISBN: 9780803905627. ———. “War of the Accountants.” Chapter 7 in Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780521546577.
4 | Strategic Bombing |
Frankland, Noble. Bomber Offensive: The Devastation of Europe. Ballantine Books, 1970. ISBN: 9780345019059. ———. “The Combined Bomber Offensive: Classical and Revolutionary, Combined and Divided, Planned and Fortuitous.” In Command and Commanders in Modern Warfare: The Proceedings of the Second Military History Symposium, U.S. Air Force Academy, 2–3 May 1968. Edited by William Geffen. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. ISBN: 9781478140238.
5 | Naval Warfare (World War II) |
Brodie, Bernard. A Layman’s Guide to Naval Strategy. Oxford University Press, 1943, pp. 3–116, and pp. 175–214. ASIN: B000IGEC9G. [R] Chapter 1: Fast Carriers, 1922–1942. [R] Chapter 2: Weapon of Expediency, 1942–1943. [R] Chapter 6: Battle of the Fast Carriers. [R] Chapter 10: Changing Missions: Peripheral War. [Preview with Google Books] Moulton, J. L. A Study of Warfare in 3 Dimensions: The Norwegian Campaign of 1940. Ohio University Press, 1968, pp. 19–34, and 263–98. ASIN:B004G8BJF2. Hezlet, Sir Arthur. “Japanese Naval Air Power in the Pacific, 1941–42.” Chapter 8 in Aircraft and Sea Power. Stein and Day, 1970. pp. 202–13, and 221–22. ISBN: 9780812813081. ———. “Air Power Over the Sea in European Wars, January – July, 1942.” Chapter 9 in Aircraft and Sea Power. Stein and Day, 1970, pp. 223–31, and 235–36. ISBN: 9780812813081. ———. “The Submarine as a Worship in the Pacific in the Second World War (December 1941 – August 1945).” Chapter 11 in The Submarine & Sea Power. Stein and Day, 1967. ISBN: 9780432067307. ———. “The American Campaign against Commerce in the Pacific (December 1941 – August 1945).” Chapter 12 in The Submarine & Sea Power. Stein and Day, 1967. ISBN: 9780432067307. Price, Alfred. “Map.” Aircraft Versus Submarine. Jane’s Information Group, 1980, pp. 128–29. ISBN: 9780710600080.
6 | Naval Warfare (Cold War) | Cote, Jr., Owen R. The Third Battle: Innovation in the U.S. Navy’s Silent Cold War Struggle with Soviet Submarines. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. ISBN: 9781478398615.
7 | Air to Air |
Carpenter, P. Mason. “Joint Operations in the Gulf War: An Allison Analysis.” Master's thesis, Air University, 1995, pp. 11–20. Cohen, Eliot. Gulf War Air Power Survey, Vol. II: Operations and Effects and Effectiveness. Department of the Air Force, 1993, pp. 112–13, and 119–23. ISBN: 9780160429101. Fallows, James. “Two Weapons.” Chapter 4 in National Defense. Random House, 1981, pp. 95–106. ISBN: 9780394518244. [PR] Chapter 3: The Air Defence Battle. Anderegg, C. R. “The Eagle.” Chapter 15 in Sierra Hotel: Flying Air Force Fighters in the Decade After Vietnam. Government Reprints Press, 2001. ISBN: 9781931839044. Westrum, Ron. “Early Generations.” Chapter 14 in Sidewinder: Creative Missile Development at China Lake. MD: Naval Institute Press, 1999. ISBN: 9781557509512. ———. “Later Generations.” Chapter 15 in Sidewinder: Creative Missile Development at China Lake. MD: Naval Institute Press, 1999. ISBN: 9781557509512. Wilcox, Robert K. “Skies Above Decimomannu, Sardinia, Late Summer 1999, After the Kosovo War.” Chapter 1 in Black Aces High: The Story of a Modern Fighter Squadron at War. St. Martin’s Paperbacks, 2004, pp. 3–9. ISBN: 9780312997083. Stimson, George W. “Sources and Spectra of Ground Return.” Chapter 23 in Introduction to Airborne Radar. 2nd ed. SciTech Publishing Inc., 1998. ISBN: 9781891121012. ———. “The Crucial Choice of PRF.” Chapter 24 in Introduction to Airborne Radar. 2nd ed. SciTech Publishing Inc., 1998. ISBN: 9781891121012. “Radar Principles.” Chapter 5 in Electronic Warfare Fundamentals. November 2000. Robinson, Jr., Clarence A. “Fighter, Missile Gains Pressed.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (April 4, 1977): 12. ———. “Aerial Combat Test to Advance.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (April 25, 1977): 28. Watts, Barry D. “’Situation Awareness’ in Air-to-Air Combat and Friction.” Chapter 9 in Clausewitzian Friction and Future War. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. ISBN: 9781478215318. [Preview with Google Books].
8 | Defense Suppression |
Brungess, Lt. Col. James R. “Service Approaches to SEAD.” Chapter 3 in Setting The Context: Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses and Joint War Fighting in an Uncertain World. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012, pp. 93–110. ISBN: 9781478356660. Thornborough, Anthony M., and Frank B. Mormillo. “Advanced Wild Weasels.” Chapter 5 in Iron Hand: Smashing the Enemy’s Air Defences. Haynes Publishing, 2002, pp. 178–79, and 190–91. ISBN: 9781852606053. ———. “Desert Stormers.” Chapter 6 in Iron Hand: Smashing the Enemy’s Air Defences. Haynes Publishing, 2002, pp. 248–51. ISBN: 9781852606053. ———. “Sixteen-Shooters.” Chapter 7 in Iron Hand: Smashing the Enemy’s Air Defences. Haynes Publishing, 2002. ISBN: 9781852606053. [PR] Chapter 10: The Intelligence Gatherers. [PR] Chapter 12: The Electronic Foxers. [PR] Chapter 13: The Wild Weasels. “Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) Basic Operations and Geolocation Techniques.” Chapter 17 in Electronic Warfare Fundamentals, pp. 17-15–17-20. November 2000. Fulghum, David A., and Robert Wall. “Data Link, EW Problems Pinpointed by Pentagon.” Aviation Week & Space Technology 151, no. 10 (1999): 87. Isby, David C. “Targeting Pod Upgrade for F-16s.” Air Force News 3, no. 18 (1999): 18. Tirpak, John A. “Dealing With Air Defenses.” (PDF) Air Force Magazine, November 1999. Bender, Bryan. “USAF to Expand Anti-radar Attack Capability.” Jane’s Defence Weekly 32, no. 24 (1999): 10–11. Isby, David C. “Funding Cut Could Delay HARM Targeting System Upgrade.” Jane’s Missiles and Rockets 4, no. 2 (2000): 8. Wall, Robert. “Netted Approach to Kill SAMs.” Aviation Week & Space Technology 153, no. 14 (October 2, 2000): 67. ———. “Location, Location.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (November 24, 2003): 43–44. ———. “Dead On,” and “Pack Mentality.” in Aviation Week & Space Technology (November 24, 2003): 46–47. ———. “In HARM’s Way.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (November 24, 2003): 45–46. ———. “HARM In Trying: Italian Involvement Would Build on Prior Anti-radar Cooperation.” Aviation Week & Space Technology 161, no. 15 (October 18, 2004): 56. ———. “Alternative Path: U.S. Air Force Eyes Upgrade to Raytheon Anti-Radar Missile.” Aviation Week & Space Technology 161, no. 22 (December 6, 2004): 34. ———. “Sharper Stint; HARM Targeting System Upgrade to Double Range of Fielded Version.” Aviation Week & Space Technology 162, no. 1 (January 3, 2005): 55.
9 | Precision Strike |
Blackwelder, Donald I. The Long Road to Desert Storm and Beyond: The Development of Precision Guided Bombs. BiblioScholar, 2012, 1993, pp. 1–40. ISBN: 9781249327776. [Preview with Google Books] Anderegg, C. R. “Mud Beaters.” Chapter 12 in Sierra Hotel: Flying Air Force Fighters in the Decade After Vietnam. Government Reprints Press, 2001. ISBN: 9781931839044. ———. “Maverick: Love It or Hate It.” Chapter 13 in Sierra Hotel: Flying Air Force Fighters in the Decade After Vietnam. Government Reprints Press, 2001. ISBN: 9781931839044. Futrell, Robert. Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine: Basic Thinking in the United States Air Force 1961–1984, Volume II. Air University Press, 1989, pp. 558–66. ASIN: B000PGG4UE. [PR] Chapter 4: The Long Punch. Cohen, Eliot. Gulf War Air Power Survey, Vol. IV: Weapons, Tactics, and Training. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993, pp. 85–88, 121–41, and 252–95. ISBN: 9780160429279. Cahlink, George. “Birth of a Bomb.” Government Executive Magazine, August 1, 2003. Brown, Malina. “Navy Zeros JDAM HART Account to Pay for Small Diameter Bomb.” Inside the Navy, February 9, 2004.
10 | Strategic Mobility |
Haffa, Jr., Robert P. “Supporting the Limited Contingency: Mobility Systems for Rapid Deployment, 1960–1980.” Chapter 4 in The Half War: Planning U.S. Rapid Deployment Forces to Meet a Loaded Contingency, 1960–1983. Westview Press, 1984. ISBN: 9780865317161. Miller, Lt. Col. Charles E. “The Modern Airlift Era.” Chapter 7 in Airlift Doctrine. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. ISBN: 9781478393306. Matthews, James K., and Cora J. Holt. “Sealift.” Chapter 4 in So Many, So Much, So Far, So Fast: United States Transportation Command and Strategic Deployment for Operation Desert Shield / Desert Storm. Office of the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff and United States Transportation Command, 1996. ISBN: 9780160591877. Vick, Alan, David Orletsky, Bruce Pirnie, et al. “Introduction.” Chapter 1 in The Stryker Brigade Combat Team: Rethinking Strategic Responsiveness and Assessing Deployment Options. RAND Corporation, 2003. ISBN: 9780833032683. [Preview with Google Books] ———. “Deployment the SBCTs.” Chapter 2 in The Stryker Brigade Combat Team: Rethinking Strategic Responsiveness and Assessing Deployment Options. RAND Corporation, 2003. ISBN: 9780833032683.
11 | ISR Politics |
Wheelon, Albert D. “CORONA: A Triumph of American Technology.” Chapter 2 in Eye in the Sky: The Story of the CORONA Spy Satellites. Edited by Dwayne A. Day, John M. Logsdon, and Brian Latell. Smithsonian Books, 1999. ISBN: 9781560987734. Day, Dwayne A. “The Development and Improvement of the CORONA Satellite.” Chapter 3 in Eye in the Sky: The Story of the CORONA Spy Satellites. Edited by Dwayne A. Day, John M. Logsdon, and Brian Latell. Smithsonian Books, 1999. ISBN: 9781560987734. Haines, Gerald. “The National Reconnaissance: Its Origins, Creations, and Early Years.” Chapter 6 in Eye in the Sky: The Story of the CORONA Spy Satellites. Edited by Dwayne A. Day, John M. Logsdon, and Brian Latell. Smithsonian Books, 1999. ISBN: 9781560987734. Wheelon, Albert D. “CORONA: The First Reconnaissance Satellites.” Physics Today 50, no. 2 (1997): 24–30. Lewis, Jonathan. “Washington Troubles.” Chapter 16 in Spy Capitalism: ITEK and the CIA. Yale University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780300091922. ———. “Fulcrum.” Chapter 17 in Spy Capitalism: ITEK and the CIA. Yale University Press, 2002. ISBN: 9780300091922. [Preview with Google Books] Department of Defense Briefing on Space Transformation, Presenter: Under Secretary of the Air Force Peter Teets, February 7, 2002. Erhard, Lt. Col. Thomas. "UAVs in the United States Armed Forces: A Comparative Study of Weapon System Innovation." PhD Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, 2000, pp. 103–214, 403–567,636, 639–51. Newcome, Lawrence. “Endeavoring to Endure.” Chapter 13 in Unmanned Aviation: A Brief History of Aerial Vehicles. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 2004. ISBN: 9781563476440. [Preview with Google Books] Fulghum, David. “NRO Wants UAVs.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (September 22, 2003): 54–55. “Charting a Technical Revolution: An Interview with Former DDS&T Albert Wheelon (U).” Studies in Intelligence 45, no. 2 (Summer 2001): 31–43. Richelson, Jeffrey T. “Eavesdroppers in Disguise.” Air Force Magazine, August 2012. Day, Dwayne A. “Radar Love: The Tortured History of American Space Radar Programs.” The Space Review, January 22, 2007. Kohler, Robert. “One Officer’s Perspective: The Decline of the National Reconnaissance Office.” Studies in Intelligence 46, no. 2 (2002). Fitzgerald, Dennis. “Commentary on ‘The Decline of the National Reconnaissance Office’.” NRO Leadership Replies, April 14, 2007, CIA.gov.
12 | ISR Sensors and Networks |
Kaspar, Lt. Col. Beth M. “Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology.” DARPATech 99 presentation. ———. “Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology (AT3).” slides (PDF - 1.04MB) (See slide 5 of 17.) “Anti-Radar Weapon Development Pushed.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (January 27, 1975): 107. Elson, Benjamin. “USAF Picks Lockheed Team to Develop Targeting System.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (July 11, 1997): 23. Klass, Philip. “Air Force to Test Enemy Radar Locator.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (July 23, 1984): 19. “Lockheed Awarded Fund to Continue PLSS Testing.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (September 14, 1987): 89. Andronov, Major A. “The U.S. Navy’s ‘White Cloud’ Spaceborne ELINT System.” Foreign Military Review no. 7 (1993): 57–60. ———. “American Geosynchronous SIGINT Satellites.” Foreign Military Review no. 12 (1993): 37–43. “Precision SIGINT Targeting System (PSTS).” Jette, Lt. Col. Bruce D., Ph.D. “Review of the Conclusion and Model of the SIGINT Mix Study.” (PDF) March 26, 1996. Fulghum, David A. “It Takes a Network to Beat a Network.” Aviation Week & Space Technology 157, no. 20 (November 11, 2002): 28. ———. “Pup Listens, Points.” Aviation Week & Space Technology (August 23–30, 2004): 36–37. “Change Agent.” DefenseNews (October 8, 2010).
13 | Satellite Communications |
Carter, Ashton B. “Communications Technologies and Vulnerabilities.” Chapter 7 in Managing Nuclear Operations. Edited by Ashton B. Carter, John D. Steinbruner, and Charles A. Zraket. Brookings Institution Press, 1987. ISBN: 9780815713135. Cote, Jr., Owen R. “The Rocky Road to EHF Satcom.” MIT Security Studies Program.
14 | Tactical Mobility |
English, John A. “Beyond Deterrence: The Contemporary Requirement for Infantry.” Chapter 8 in On Infantry. Praeger, 1984. ISBN: 9780030014093. Karagosian, John, and Christopher Coglianese. “Training Notes: Kings of the Road: Heavy and Light Forces in MOUT.” Infantry 93, no. 1 (January – February 2004): 40–44. “Urban Lessons Learned: Operation Peace for Galilee.” Urban Operations Journal (August 28, 2002). Zahn, Brian R. The Future Combat System: Minimizing Risk While Maximizing Capability. PN, 2000. ASIN: B00JBMM5TW. Gelbart, Marsh. Modern Israeli Tanks and Infantry Carriers 1985–2004. Osprey Publishing, 2004. ISBN: 9781841765792. [Preview with Google Books]