Sunset illuminates the east front of the United States Capitol building. (Courtesy of Eric B. Walker on Flickr. CC BY-NC.)
Prof. Charles Stewart, III
MIT Course Number
17.251 / 17.252
As Taught In
Fall 2016
Undergraduate / Graduate
Course Description
Course Features
- Lecture notes
- Assignments: activity (no examples)
- Assignments: presentations (no examples)
- Assignments: written with examples
- Exams (no solutions)
Course Description
The United States Congress is the most open of the national branches of government, and therefore the most closely studied. This course aims to find ways to deal with the vast array of information we have about Congress by asking two basic questions: What does Congress do (and why), and what are the various ways of studying congressional behavior? This course focuses on both the internal processes of the House and Senate, and on the place of Congress in the American political system.
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