
The readings on this page constitute a general overview and introduction to the course topics.

Each sub-task group begins their investigation with a literature search. By the end of the semester, students will have read and discussed a large number of other sources. The final project report lists these additional readings in the References section.


GIF R&D Outlook for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems. Generation IV (GenIV) International Forum. 2009. (PDF) (Courtesy of the Generation IV International Forum. Used with permission.)
A report prepared for the Generation IV International Forum Technology Roadmap on new reactor concepts and their R&D status.

Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap. U.S. Department of Energy. April 2010. (PDF - 3.7MB)
This is a good summary of some of the issues to keep in mind when deciding on your choice of reactor technology.

Process Heat

Demirbas, M. Faith. "Thermal Energy Storage and Phase Change Materials: An Overview." Energy Sources 1, no. 1 (2006): 85–95.
A good summary and references about well-established heat storage methods with a large number of compound properties.


Yildiz, B., and M. S. Kazimi. "Efficiency of Hydrogen Production Systems Using Alternative Nuclear Energy Technologies." International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 31, no. 1 (2006): 77–92.
A summary of some major technologies for hydrogen production, and ways that nuclear power is suited to drive them.


Lynd, L. R., et al. "The Role of Biomass in America's Energy Future: Framing the Analysis." Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 3, no. 2 (2009): 113–23.
An excellent summary of how the leaders in biofuel plant design forsee it playing a role in our future. TONS of good references in here; also check the journal for more papers in this series.