1 | Key concerns of numerical methods | |
2 | Performance: Arithmetic vs. memory | |
3 | Memory optimization and cache obliviousness | |
4 | Accuracy and floating-point arithmetic | |
5 | Floating-point and numerical stability | |
6 | Backwards stability of summation, norms | Problem set 1 due |
7 | Condition numbers and eigenvalues | |
8 | The singular-value decomposition | |
9 | Least-square problems and QR factors | |
10 | Gram-Schmidt stability and householder QR | |
11 | Householder, Gaussian, and Cholesky factorization | Problem set 2 due |
12 | Eigenproblems, characteristic polynomials, and Shur factors | |
13 | Hessenberg factorization and its applications, power methods | |
14 | QR iteration for eigenproblems | |
15 | Overview of iterative and sparse solvers | Problem set 3 due |
16 | Arnoldi and Lanczos iterations | |
17 | Restarting Lanczos iterations | |
18 | GMRES and MINRES | |
19 | Steepest-descent and conjugate-gradient methods | Problem set 4 due |
20 | Preconditioning and condition numbers of PDE-like matrices | |
21 | Biconjugate-gradient methods, sparse-direct solvers | |
22 | Nonlinear conjugate gradient, and conjugate-gradient eigensolvers | Final project proposal due |
23 | Overview of optimization problems | |
24 | Adjoint methods and sensitivity analysis | Midterm taken before Ses #24 |
25 | Adjoint methods for recurrences, CCSA algorithms | |
26 | Lagrange dual functions and KKT conditions | |
27 | Quasi-Newton methods | Problem set 5 due |
28 | BFGS updates | |
29 | Derivative-free optimization: Linear and quadratic models | |
30 | Global optimization and the DIRECT algorithm | |
31 | Numerical integration and accuracy of the trapezoidal rule | |
32 | Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature | |
33 | Chebyshev approximation | |
34 | Fast Fourier transforms - the Cooley-Tukey algorithm | |
35 | FFTW and FFT implementation in practice | Final project due at end of term |