1 | Introduction |
Gertler, Brie. "Self-Knowledge." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2015. (Edward N. Zalta (ed.)) Cassam, Quassim. "Know Thy Self—Really," The New York Times, December 7, 2014. |
2 | The Wittgensteinian Legacy |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Wright, Crispin. "Self-Knowledge: The Wittgensteinian Legacy." Oxford Scholarship Online, 2000. McDowell, John. "Response to Crispin Wright." Oxford Scholarship Online, 2000. OptionalMoran, Richard. "I'll have to get back to you." The Times Literary Supplement (2015): 28. |
3 | Inner Sense I |
OptionalNichols, Shaun, and Stephen P. Stich. "Mindreading: An Integrated Account of Pretence, Self Awareness, and Understanding Other Minds." Oxford Scholarship Online, 2004. |
4 | Inner Sense II, and Shoemaker's Rationalism |
5 | Ryleanism |
Byrne, Alex. "Review of The Opacity of Mind: An Integrative Theory of Self-Knowledge." Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2012. |
6 | Transparency I |
Moran, Richard. Self-Knowledge, Transparency, and the Forms of Activity. Oxford Scholarship Online, 2012. Paul, Sarah K. "The Transparency of Mind." Philosophy Compass 9, no. 5 (2014): 295–303. Coliva, Annalisa. Review of Quassim Cassam "Self-Knowledge for Humans." Analysis, 2015. Optional
7 | Transparency II |
Boyle, Matthew. ———. "Transparent Self-Knowledge." Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 85, no. 1 (2011): 223–41. ———. "Critical Study: Cassam on Self-Knowledge for Humans." European Journal of Philosophy 23, no. 2 (2015): 337–48. Setiya, Kieran. "Transparency and Inference." Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 112, no. 2pt2 (2012): 263–8. |
8 | Sensation |
Gertler, Brie. "Renewed Acquaintance." Oxford Scholarship Online, 2012. OptionalGertler, Brie. "Self-Knowledge and the Demands of Rational Agency." (PDF) (2015). |
9 | Perception |
Dretske, Fred. "Introspection." Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, New Series 94 (1994): 263–78. ———. "How Do You Know You Are Not a Zombie?" Hill, Christopher. "How to Study Introspection." Journal of Consciousness Studies 18, no. 1 (2011): 21–43. OptionalStoljar, Daniel. "Knowledge of Perception." Oxford Scholarship Online, 2012.
10 | Review Session | No new readings assigned. Students reviewed and discussed material covered thus far. |
11 | Neo-expressivism |
Bar-On, Dorit. "'Expression, Truth, and Reality: Some Variations on Themes from Wright'. Oxford Scholarship Online, 2013. Bar-On, Dorit and, Kate Nolfi. "Knowing Our Own Beliefs." Bar-On, Dorit. "Externalism and Skepticism: Recognition, Expression, and Self-Knowledge." |
12 | Desire and Emotion |
Ashwell, Lauren. "Deep, Dark…or Transparent? Knowing our Desires." Philosophical Studies 165, no. 1 (2013): 245–56.
OptionalLawlor, Krista. "Knowing What One Wants." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research LXXIX, no. 1 (2009): 47–75.
Barz, Wolfgang. "Transparent Introspection of Wishes." Philosophical Studies 172, no. 8 (2015): 1993–2023. |
13 | Intention |
Paul, Sarah K. "The Transparency of Intention." Philosophical Studies 172, no. 6, (2015): 1529–48.
Byrne, Alex. |