
This section includes the texts used in the course and a list of readings by session.

Prescribed Text

Buy at Amazon Pojman, Louis P., ed. Classics of Philosophy. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN: 0195148932. This anthology contains all the works cited below.

Langton, Rae. Study Guide to Descartes' Meditations (in progress). Available in study materials.

Readings by Session

1 Plato. "The Apology." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 33-47.
2 Plato. "Phaedo." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 54-85.
3 Plato. "Phaedo." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
4 Plato. "Phaedo." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
5 Aristotle. "On the Soul." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 262-7.
6 Aristotle. "On the Soul." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
7 Aristotle. "Nichomachean Ethics." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 290-323.
8 Aristotle. "Nichomachean Ethics." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
9 Descartes, René. "Meditations on First Philosophy: First Meditation." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 497-99.
10 Descartes, René. "Meditations on First Philosophy: Second Meditation." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 499-503.
11 Descartes, René. "Meditations on First Philosophy: Third Meditation." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 503-10.
12 Descartes, René. "Meditations on First Philosophy: Fourth Meditation." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 510-13.
13 Descartes, René. "Meditations on First Philosophy: Fifth Meditation." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 513-17.
14 Descartes, René. "Meditations on First Philosophy: Sixth Meditation." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 517-24.
15 Hume, David. "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 728-89.
16 Hume, David. "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
17 Hume, David. "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
18 Kant, Immanuel. "Foundation for the Metaphysic of Morals." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 873-913.
19 Kant, Immanuel. "Foundation for the Metaphysic of Morals." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
20 Kant, Immanuel. "Foundation for the Metaphysic of Morals." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
21 Russell, Bertrand. "The Problems of Philosophy." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 1101-36.
22 Russell, Bertrand. "The Problems of Philosophy." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)
23 Sartre, Jean-Paul. "Existentialism is a Humanism." In Classics of Philosophy. pp. 1220-24.
24 Sartre, Jean-Paul. "Existentialism is a Humanism." In Classics of Philosophy. (cont.)