Along with the four video projects, you will have a number of reflection assignments due throughout the semester. These reflections are designed to give you a chance to stop and think about how your projects are going, what you are learning, and what problems you're having, along with helping you to plan for future weeks.
Week 1
Familiarize yourself with the content of Designing Digital Video for Learning and Assessment (PDF) and
Using Video to Tie Engineering Themes to Foundational Concepts (PDF). The familiarity with the intersection of education theory and the video medium allows you to better control the educational impact of the videos you produce this semester, and also should help you assess the education component of the videos you analyzed. You should also respond to the CI-H beginning of term questionnaire.
Week 2
In the medium of your choice, reflect on your ES.333 experience so far, especially:
- How does your experience with the video production cycle (in the collaborative voices video from the first class & lifestream video) guide you as you conceive and design your semester project?
- You have written two scripts that have been produced; what transformations occur as the text jumps to the video medium?
- Which aspect of the reading is most helpful to you as you conceive and design your semester project?
- What feedback that you have received from your peers in class has helped you most as you conceive, design, and propose your project?
Week 3
In the medium of your choice:
- Outline all of the steps that you have executed and that you plan to execute to produce your hairy arm video.
- Recently, you revised your lifestream video. Comment briefly on your objectives for this revision, the revision you did, and the degree to which the revisions met the objectives.
- How has the feedback on the pitch response forms guided your project proposal?
Week 4
In the medium of your choice:
Briefly outline the effect on you and your semester video project of the series of assignments that has culminated with the project proposal (multiple voices collage, lifestream video, video assessment, literature review, pitch, and teaching in the wild). Provide examples of how these assignments have influenced choices you've made regarding the video project you are planning.
Week 6
In the medium of your choice, explain these two things:
During last Monday's class, you were exposed to the world of professional video production. Briefly explain how you (academic producer of educational videos, wearer of the many hats required to produce such videos, etc.), the videos you'll produce this semester, and the educational video genre are situated relative to this world of professional video production.
Based on your experience to date producing video, the project you have proposed, and the script you have written, what is (are) the most significant barrier to achieving the impact you desire for your semester final project video? What resources could be provided that would reduce this barrier? When would you need those resources?
Week 13
Review the starting point of your ES.333 experience. View the video that you scripted and shot at the start of the semester, the ES.333 subject description, and your communication goals.
Brainstorm, script, review, revise, and shoot up to two minutes of video/sound that can be woven into a collaborative voices video that explains your ES.333 experience this semester. Below are a host of questions that you might answer; pick TWO questions to answer for your ≤ 2 minutes of airtime - roughly one minute per question. Be sure to include the question being answered as part of the footage - perhaps by having an "interviewer" pose the question.
- What did it mean to you to take a class at the intersection of communication, media, and your technical expertise?
- What have you discovered in ES.333 about the way you approach communication?
- What was the biggest surprise for you in ES.333?
- How would you explain this ES.333 in three sentences to someone who is unfamiliar with this class?
- Graph the position of ES.333 and your other MIT classes on two instructive, quantitative axes.
- How has your acquisition of media tools/skills (Final Cut Pro, video camera work, sound recording/manipulation) affected your agency with writing and speaking?
- Has the ES.333 work influenced how you communicate outside of class? If so, how?
- What advice would you give to ES.333 students next year on the first day of class?
- What was your greatest success in ES.333 this term?
- What was the best advice you received from your peers and colleagues in ES.333?
- Explain how the videos produced this semester in ES.333 have pushed the boundaries of the educational video genre.
- How has capturing yourself on video helped you understand yourself?
- How has your ES.333 experience affected how you plan and execute other projects?
- How has working with other educational video producers affected the video you produce?
- What other questions should your audience pose (and your answers)?