1.7 Binary Relations

In- ,Sur-, and Bijections

For each of the following real-valued functions on the real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\), indicate whether it is a bijection, a surjection but not a bijection, an injection but not a bijection, or neither an injection nor a surjection.

  1. \(x+2\)

    Exercise 1
  2. \(2x \)

    Exercise 2
  3. \(x^2 \)

    Exercise 3
    \(x^2 \) is not a surjection, since negative numbers could not be squares of real numbers. \(x^2 \) also is not an injection, since \((-1)^2=1^2\).
  4. \(x^3 \)

    Exercise 4
  5. \(\sin x \)

    Exercise 5
    \(\sin x \) is not a surjection, since \(-1 \leq \sin x \leq 1 \). \(\sin x \) is not an injection, since \(\sin 0 = \sin 2\pi \).
  6. \(x \sin x \)

    Exercise 6
    \(x \sin x \) is not an injection, since \(0 \sin 0 = 2\pi \sin 2 \pi \).
  7. \(e^x \)

    Exercise 7
    \(e^x \) is not a surjection, since \(e^x \) is always positive for real values of \(x \).