Notes from the course 14.381 Statistical Method in Economics (PDF)
Slides: GMM Estimation in Stata (PDF) (Courtesy of Ricardo Mora. Used with permission.)
Arellano, Manuel, and Jinyong Hahn.
"Understanding Bias in Nonlinear Panel Models: Some Recent Developments." (PDF) In Advances in Economics and Econometrics, Ninth World Congress. Edited by Richard Blundell, Whitney K. Newey, and Torsten Persson. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ASIN: B01F7YA3P0
Chamberlain, Gary. "Panel Data." Chapter 22 In Handbook of Econometrics, Volume II. Edited by Z. Griliches and M.D Intriligator. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984. pp. 1247–1318.
Fernández-Val, Iván, and Martin Weidner. "Individual and Time Effects in Nonlinear Panel Models with Large N, T." Journal of Econometrics 192, no. 1 (May 2016): 291–312.
Newey, Whitney K. "Convergence Rates and Asymptotic Normality for Series Estimators." Journal of Econometrics 79, no 1. (1997): 147–168.
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