
Challenges in Representation: War, the State, the Past, the Other
1 Introductions: Textual Analysis Using Dickinson and Shakespeare Self-assessment: where you are starting from, plus the questionnaire
2 Discussion of Henry V: Text, Image, and Performance
3 Discussion of Henry V: Film, Contexts

Patterson, Annabel. "Back by Popular Demand."

Peter Donaldson, from Shakespearean Films/Shakespearean Directors.

4 Discussion of Othello
5 Othello and Cross-medial, Cross-temporal Adaptation Dawson, Anthony. "Performance and Participation: Desdemona, Foucault, and the Actor's Body." 3-page close reading due
6 Discussion of The Island

Wilder, Dennis. "Athol Fugard." Introduction.

Wertheim, Albert. "'Acting' Against Apartheid."

7 Discuss Theatre; Reports
8 Reports and Reflections
9 "Joebell and America" 3-page annotated bibliography due
Challenges in Representation: Mad Science, Imagined Worlds
10 Frankenstein
11 Frankenstein (cont.)

Hoeveler, Diane Long. "Frankenstein: Feminism and Literary Theory."

Levine, George. The Ambiguous Heritage of Frankenstein.

Clayton, Jay. "Frankenstein's Futurity: Replicants and Robots."

12 Discussion of the Epic and the Sublime Midterm meditation, including textual citations and self-reflection: 5 pages maximum
13 His Dark Materials
14 British Radio/Recorded Comedy Comparative essay précis due (one page)

Comedy and Fantasy

His Dark Materials (cont.)

DiBattista, Maria. "Female Rampant: His Girl Friday."
16 His Dark Materials (cont.)
17 The Musical, Dance, Song
Challenges in Representation: Love and The World Unraveling
18 Attend Prof. Edward Turk's Class for Further Discussion with Rambert and Moran 10-page comparative close analysis essay due
19 A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
20 A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters (cont.)
21 Possible Guest Speaker
22 Gericault, Paintings
23 My Son, the Fanatic Final project presentations
24 My Son, the Fanatic (cont.) Final project presentations
25 "After great pain," Where are We?

"The Blank Page"


Self-assesssment: where you have arrived (4 pages maximum)