Keys to Success in the Course: Perseverance and Data Analysis

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EFETOBORE TASKER: I would say that the key to success for Junior Lab for me was simply having the perseverance to continue to work and to get things done. Because as I said, I hadn't done a class like this before or I haven't done anything experimental in physics before. So a lot of this was new to me. And I found it very difficult at first.

But if you put in the time to learn how to correctly take data, to correctly analyze data figure out how to do error propagation, things like that, you'll eventually figure out a way to do it in a way that's correct. Because they do give you that background and that foundation to teach you how to present data, how to analyze data. But we just have to take the time to learn. So I think that perseverance was the key to success for me.

SAARIK KALIA: Yeah, I think one thing I actually found pretty surprising about the course is I kind of expected the hard parts to really be like the measurements, as opposed to the analysis. But I actually found it to be the other way around. Like, obviously you have to be attentive during lab and know what you're doing. But oftentimes the real difficulty comes outside of class, like doing proper analysis of your data and really knowing what's going on. And even a lot of the times you should really be doing analysis during class so that you know if your data is good, if your data is bad, and adjust accordingly.

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