Lecture Notes


1 Introduction (PDF)
2 Meaning and reference (PDF)
3 Descriptions (PDF)
4 Names and descriptions (PDF)
5 Direct reference (PDF)
6 What is meaning? (PDF)
7 Empiricist theories (PDF)
8 Psychological theories (PDF)
9 Truth-conditional theories (PDF)
10 Context sensitivity (PDF)
11 The essential indexical (PDF)
12 The Kripkenstein paradox (PDF)
13 Naturalistic reduction (PDF)
14 Speech acts (PDF)
15 Illocutionary force (PDF)
16 Presupposition (PDF)
17 Assertion (PDF)
18 Implicature (PDF)
19 Attitudes, the hidden indexical theory (PDF)
20 Attitudes, the implicature theory (PDF)
21 Attitudes, the pragmatic theory (PDF)
22 Non-literal speech (PDF)
23 Making believe  
24 Semantic pretense and attitude ascriptions (PDF)
25 Pragmatic pretense and Frege problems (PDF)
26 Humpty Dumpty, malaprop, etc.