This class includes a design project based on a CLIOS (complex, large-scale, interconnected, open, and sociotechnical) system. (Image by MIT OpenCourseWare, adapted from Prof. Joseph Sussman.)
Prof. Joseph Sussman
MIT Course Number
ESD.04J / 1.041J / ESD.01J
As Taught In
Spring 2007
Course Description
Course Features
- Selected lecture notes
- Assignments: design (no examples)
- Assignments: written (no examples)
- Exams (no solutions)
Course Description
This class provides an introduction to quantitative models and qualitative frameworks for studying complex engineering systems. Also taught is the art of abstracting a complex system into a model for purposes of analysis and design while dealing with complexity, emergent behavior, stochasticity, non-linearities and the requirements of many stakeholders with divergent objectives. The successful completion of the class requires a semester-long class project that deals with critical contemporary issues which require an integrative, interdisciplinary approach using the above models and frameworks.