Course Iteration

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ERIK DEMAINE: I mean, I was really happy with how the class came out. Even though I was learning the material as I went things came together pretty well. There are a couple of the topics where, because I was just learning as I was teaching it, I might have selected the topics a little differently. Now that I have a bigger sense of the picture I would maybe focus in on some of the more interesting subtopics within-- approximation algorithms was one where it's such a huge field it was hard for me to learn all of it and then pick out the best examples. So I learned a big part of it and then picked out some examples.

But I would probably, now that I have more experience with it, I would do it a little differently. And, of course, there are more topics that I didn't get to. So next time I teach the class I'll probably add in a few more additional topics. And kick out a few others, which are still available in video forms, so they're not gone.

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