public class AttachmentStudent extends Student implements Employee { //An array that takes 4 grades representing an average of 4 courses //It is important to initialize each field double[] avg = new double[4]; double regHours=0; double overHours=0; double wage =8; double pay = 0; char letterGrade; //The constructor will take in 3 arguments //Two arguments will be used to call the superclass, while the toher will be an array of grades public AttachmentStudent (String n, String c, double[] grades) { //We can call the Student superclass constructor super(n,c); avg=grades; //We give the variable letterGrade a value so that we can access it from the hired method letterGrade= gradeAverage(grades); } //this method takes in a letterGrade and returns true if the grade is an A, false otherwise boolean hired () { if (letterGrade == 'A') return true; else return false; } //This method sets the regular hours and overtime hours void setHours (double hours) { if (hours > 8) { regHours= 8; overHours= hours-8; } else regHours = hours; this.totalDailyPay(hours); } //This returns a double array which holds the regular hours and overtime hours public double[] getHours() { //Only returns a double array with values if the student is hired if (this.hired()) { double[] hoursArray={regHours, overHours}; return hoursArray; } else return null; } //Sets the wage to a the inputted value public void setWage(double wage1) { wage=wage1; } //Returns the regular wage public double getWage() { return wage; } //Returns the overtime wage public double getOvertimeWage(){ return wage*1.5; } //Calculates pay using the wage and hours public void totalDailyPay(double hours) { pay = this.getWage()*regHours; pay += this.getOvertimeWage()*overHours; } //Returns a lettergrade depending on the average of grades in the inputted array public char gradeAverage (double[] grades) { //First compute the average double sum=0; for (int i=0; i= 85, return an 'A', otherwise return 'B' if (average >= 85) { return 'A'; } else return 'B'; } //This allows a user to get information by calling: System.out.println(); public String toString() { //The following will help us convert true/false to yes/no in the hired method String hire; if (this.hired()) hire="Yes"; else hire="No"; //Now we will construct the string 'a' that we will return. We make new lines by "\n" String a = "Name: " + super.getName() + "\n"; a += "Course: " + super.getCourse() + "\n"; a += "Hired: " + hire + "\n"; a += "Wage: " + this.getWage() + "\n"; a += "Total Pay: " + pay; return a; } }